課程內容 Curriculum
小念頭 The Little Idea Form
小念頭套拳及致用法 (首3至5個月)
The Little Idea Form & applications (3rd - 5th months)
WingTsun is different to many martial art systems.
Somehow, there is an analogy between the learning WingTsun and English language. "The Little Idea" form is similar to the 26 alphabets in English. It consists of the basic stance and all the fundamental hand techniques.
When our founder created this system, she combined many single techniques into a set. Therefore, without out the detailed explanations from an instructor, laymen can never tell the applications of the movments .
While we teach our students the form, we would show him the applications of each technique and how to train it, such as Chain-Punches and its way to exert elastic force, footwork (how to put your body mass into your strikes), fighting distance and means in dealing with straight-line punches, haymakers, straight-line kicks, roundhouse kicks, grappling, etc.
Apart from that, we would also instruct our students in how to obtain knockout punching and kicking power by Wallbags, heavy bag and wooden dummies.

尋橋 Bridge-Seeking Form
尋橋及致用法 (第六個月至八個月)
「尋橋」, 顧名思義,是「尋找敵人橋手」的意思。如要成功地防禦敵人攻來的手法,首先要做到在對方打到自己之前接觸對方的攻手。我們學習功夫自衛,首要的是學會運用詠春招式保護自身,否則只會和對方互毆,造成兩敗俱傷的局面。
Bridge-Seeking Form & appliacations (The 6th - 8th months)
Chum Kiu is the intermediate set in WingTsun and the techniques in it are mostly defensive. To protect ourselves , we should first intercept our enemy's limbs. Chum Kiu introduces various ways to achieve that.
Unlike the Little Idea Form, a student would learn the variations of stance, footwork, kicks and knee strikes in Chum Kiu.

黐手訓練 Chi-Sau (Arm-Clinging) Training
黐手訓練 (第9個月至第24個月)
實際搏擊時,敵人是不會告訴您他會如何攻擊你,用甚麼招式。所以,我們不能在打鬥時按練習套拳般,把招式按固定次序及組合逐式使用。黐手訓練就是把套拳裡的招式轉化成習者的條件反射反應(Conditioned Reflex actions)。
Chi-Sau (Arm-Clinging ) Training (The 9th - 24th months)
After learning the Little Idea Form & its applications, the student would learn "Single-Arm Chi Sau " training. In real fights, your opponents would never tell you how he is going to attack you. Thus, we should not fight like the sequence we do in form practice. Through Chi-Sau training, we can turn all the techniques in the forms to our "conditioned reflex actions" and act according to various situations, angles, positions.
In our class, we teach the 7 Chi-Sau section programs developed by Great Grandmaster Leung Ting. These programs are proved practical after more than 30 years of practical experiences. The techniques are mostly from the Little Idea Form and Bridge-Seeking Form.
Section 1: Basic Offensive, defensive technqiues and footwork.
Section 2: Arm-locks and Anti-Arm-lock techniques.
Section 3: How to make your enemy lose his balance and attack him.
Section 4: Double punches and the applications of Rotating Arms Defence.
Section 5: How to "attack instead of defence" .
Section 6: The "Fak Sau"Whipping Arm attack and its defence.
Section 7: How to seize the 1st opportunity to attack from a distance.

甩手搏擊訓練 Lat-Sau Fighting Practice
1. <甩手>
2. <帶上護具的搏擊>
Lat Sau Fighting Training (The 9th - 36th months)
After a student has learnt up the 1st Chi-Sau section, he/she will learn how to apply the techniques in a free-fight scenario which both he/she and his/her partner start the fight from a distance that is beyond an arm can reach. There are 2 types of Fighting practice:
(1). "Lat-Sau" Bare-handed Fight practice
The practictioners would apply WingTsun techniques to attack each other but hold back their power as soon as the strikes land. One practitioner can also suddenly apply non-WingTsun attacks to his/her partner to train how he/she handle them with WT techniques.
(2). With Protective Gear
As both practictioners practise fighting with protective gear (Helmet with facial mask, body & grion protectors, combat gloves) on, they can try to hit each other without holding back.

標指套拳及致用法 Thrusting Fingers Set & Applications
The Thrusting Fingers form and applications ( The 48th - 60th months)
The "Thrusting Fingers " program is regarded as the most advanced "empty-handed set in WingTsun. Most of the techniques in it are aggressive attacks including finger technqiues, palm and elbow strikes. "To attack instead of defence" or "The best defence is attack" is the main theme of it.

木人樁法及黐腳 Wooden Dummy Techniques & Sticking Legs
木人樁法及黐腳 (第72個月至96個月)
The wooden dummy program & Sticking Leg (The 72th - 96th months)
There are altogether 116 techniques in the wooden dummy program. Many people misunderstand that there is no kicking techniques in WingTsun, but actually the entire kicking, footwork, stance and knee technqiues are kept in this program.
If a WingTsun practictioner could comprehend the wooden dummy technqiues, he/she can defeat his peers who are physically stronger.

六點半棍法 Six & a Half Long Pole Techniques
It is said that the WingTsun Long Pole was orginated from Shaolin Temple. The founder of the Shaolin "6.5 Points Long Pole techniques" was created by Fighting Monk Chee-Shin. Generation after generation, The techniques were passed down to WingTsun master Wong Wah-Bo by Master Leung Yee-Tai. Master Wong modified the long pole techniques with WingTsun concepts and made the weapon system unique to WingTsun.
There are only 7 techniques in the Long Pole program, but the variations are numerous.

八斬刀法 WingTsun Double Knives
WingTsun Double Knives program has been regarded as the top secret in the WingTsun system. The knives contain a pair of metal hooks and D-shaped guards around the handles to protect the user's hands.
In Chinese, 八 means "Eight" 斬 means "chopping" 刀 means "Knives/swords". Therefore, 八斬刀 means "Eight ways of Chopping Knives". There are 8 sections in total for the program. The techniques and functions of each section vary and are used to deal with different kinds of weapon.